I call Dionysus the loud-roarer! Who wails in revel! First-Born, two-natured, thrice-born, Bacchic king, Wild, inscrutable, cryptic, two-horned, two-shaped, Bedecked in ivy, bull-faced, war-like, howling, holy, Divine victim, feasted every other year, adorned with grapes, bedecked in foliage. Euboleus, counselor, Zeus and the maiden bore you... on a secret bed, immortal Daimon; Listen happy one to my voice, sweet and gentle divine inspiration, Having a kindly heart, with the aid of your chaste nurses! Orphic Hymn XXIX. to Bacchus (Dionysus)
So starts the tale of this website inspired by none other than the grand reveler and saviour of the soul, Dionysus.
This piece of space I own on the internet will host pieces of thought, knowledge, art, poetry, imagery and also photography by myself or others. I had planned to open a website for a long time, finally getting up to open up a space to pour down my soul gushing with love and enthusiasm towards the divine –that very divine in human, nature and becoming. For this tongue speaks the language of passion and a sweet longing urges the writer of those words upwards towards the slopes of Parnassus. Blessed may it be!
And so, what is the meaning Zagreides (Ζαγρεῐ́δης), the nickname I use and also the namesake of this website? It simply means son of Zagreus in Ancient Greek, Zagreus being the son of Zeus and Persephone (Κόρη, the maiden) destroyed by Titans to be born again from his ashes, this time called Dionysus.
My plan for this website will unravel over time. See you then.